- Language education in the field of translation, interpreting, or other education in linguistics, or a college/secondary education in another field with language abilities at least at the level of a general state language examination (level C1)
- Professional qualification, education, or experience in a specific field
- Minimum of 2 years of translating or proofreading experience
- Responsibility, reliability, independence, and accuracy
- CAT tool is an advantage
- Trade licence
- PC and excellent PC skills, internet connection, and mobile phone.
We offer:
- Stable amount of work for a wide range of clients – from large corporations to individuals
- Training in translation software programs
- Methodological support in the form of a stylistic and language handbook, trainings, and webinars
- Technical support
- Feedback, evaluations, and corrections
Currently we’re looking for associates with these language combinations
English – Czech
External translator from Czech to English (native speaker)
We are seeking external translators (native speakers) for cooperation on translations in the following language combinations: from Czech to English
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of documents with various themes
We require:
- ideally university education in the field of translation
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- min. at least 2 years of translating experience
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados a plus
- very good communication and organisational skills
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) for translating and interpreting is a plus
We offer:
- the opportunity to work in one of the largest translation agencies in Central and Eastern Europe
- Methodical and technical support
- training in translation and localisation programs
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject: “Advertisement for translations from Czech to English ,native speaker of English”
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
External translator from Czech to English (law)
We are seeking external translators (attorneys) for cooperation on translations in the following language combinations:
- from Czech to English
- from English to Czech
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of legal texts
We require:
- University education acquired through proper completion of study in a Master’s Degree programme in law
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- 2-3 years of experience with translations of legal texts
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados, Across a plus
- very good communication and organisational skills
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) is a plus
We offer:
- the opportunity to work in the largest translation agency in Central and Eastern Europe
- training in translation and localisation programs and technical support
- methodical support
- a guaranteed steady stream of work
- access to a supplier web portal with the ability to monitor evaluations of translation quality
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject: “Advertisement EN-translations law”
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
External translator from Czech to English (medicine)
We are seeking external translators (native speakers of English) for cooperation on translations in the following language combination:
- from Czech to English
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of various materials, mainly in the field of medicine, such as medical reports, medication pamphlets, clinical trials, pharmacy, documentation of healthcare centres, etc.
We require:
- ideally university education in the field of translation and/or in a medical field
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- min. at least 2 years of translating experience
- experience with medical translations
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados, Across a plus
- very good communication and organisational skills
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) is a plus
We offer:
- the opportunity to work in the largest translation agency in Central and Eastern Europe
- training in translation and localisation programs
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject: “Advertisement EN-translations medicine”.
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
German – Czech
Proofreader of German (native German speaker)
Work duties:
- Proofreading of documents with various themes
We require:
- that you be a native German speaker
- at least 2 years of proofreading experience
- education in a language subject preferred
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs and the internet
- flexibility (short delivery deadlines), independence, reliability, responsibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list)
- Knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados and your own software licence a plus
We offer:
- training in translation and localisation programs and technical support
- methodical support
- a guaranteed steady stream of work
Work location:
- possible from home
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject. “Advertisement – DE proofreader”
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
Korrektor der deutschen Sprache – Deutschmuttersprachler
- Korrekturlesen von Dokumenten aus unterschiedlichen Themenbereichen
- Arbeiten im Übersetzungs-Tool
- deutscher Muttersprachler
- mindestens 2 Jahre Erfahrung als Korrektor
- Ausbildung im linguistischen Fachbereich von Vorteil
- Sehr gute PC-Kenntnisse, MS-Office-Kenntnisse, Internetkenntnisse
- Flexibilität (kurze Lieferfristen), Selbständigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Verantwortungsbewusstsein
- Gewerbeschein
Wir bieten:
- Arbeit in der größten Übersetzungsagentur in Mittel- und Osteuropa
- Schulung im Bereich der Übersetzungs- und Lokalisierungsprogramme, technische Hilfe
- Methodischer Support
- Garantiert stabiles Arbeitsvolumen
- Möglichkeit des Arbeitens von zu Hause
Sollten Sie sich von diesem Angebot angesprochen fühlen, senden Sie bitte Ihren strukturierten Lebenslauf zusammen mit einem kurzen Begleitschreiben an die Adresse, und im Betreff-Feld geben Sie an: Annonce – Korrektor DE.
Mit der Übersendung Ihres Lebenslaufs stellen Sie uns Ihre persönlichen Daten zur Verfügung und erklären sich damit mit deren Bearbeitung und Speicherung im Personalregister unseres Unternehmens bis zum Widerruf Ihrer Zusage einverstanden. Zugleich bestätigen Sie hiermit, dass die im zugesandten Lebenslauf angeführten Angaben wahr und vollständig sind.
External translator from Czech to German (native German speaker)
We are seeking external translators (native speakers) for cooperation on translations in the following language combination: Czech to German
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of documents with various themes
We require:
- ideally university education in the field of translation
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- min. at least 2 years of translating experience
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados a plus
- very good communication and organisational skills
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) for translating and interpreting is a plus
We offer:
- the opportunity to work in one of the largest translation agencies in Central and Eastern Europe
- Methodical and technical support
- training in translation and localisation programs
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject: “Advertisement for translations from Czech to German ,native speaker of German”
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
External translator from Czech to German (medicine)
We are seeking external translators for cooperation on translations in the following language combinations:
- from Czech to German
- from German to Czech
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of various materials, mainly in the field of medicine, such as medical reports, medication pamphlets, clinical trials, pharmacy, documentation of healthcare centres, etc.
We require
- ideally university education in the field of translation and/or in a medical field
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- min. at least 2 years of translating experience
- experience with medical translations
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados, Across a plus
- very good communication and organisational skills
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) is a plus
We offer
- the opportunity to work in the largest translation agency in Central and Eastern Europe
- training in translation and localisation programs
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject. “Advertisement DE-translations medicine”.
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
Polish – Czech
External translator from Czech to Polish (medicine)
We are seeking external translators for cooperation on translations in the following language combinations:
- from Czech to Polish
- from Polish to Czech
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of various materials, mainly in the field of medicine, such as medical reports, medication pamphlets, clinical trials, pharmacy, documentation of healthcare centres, etc.
We require:
- ideally university education in the field of translation and/or in a medical field
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- min. at least 2 years of translating experience
- experience with medical translations
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados, Across a plus
- very good communication and organisational skills
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) is a plus
We offer
- the opportunity to work in the largest translation agency in Central and Eastern Europe
- training in translation and localisation programs
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject: “Advertisement PL-translations medicine”
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
Hungarian – Czech
External translator from Czech to Hungarian
We are seeking external translators for cooperation on translations in the following language combinations: from Hungarian to Czech and vice versa
Work duties:
- translations and proofreading of documents with various themes
We require:
- ideally university education in the field of translation
- excellent spoken and written proficiency in both languages
- min. at least 2 years of translating experience
- Experience with technical translations is a plus
- very good computer skills and experience with MS Office programs
- knowledge of CAT tools such as Trados
- Independence, reliability, responsibility, flexibility
- a trade licence (Živnostenský list) for translating and interpreting is a plus
We offer:
- the opportunity to work in the largest translation agency in Central and Eastern Europe
- training in translation and localisation programs
If this offer has impressed you, please send your structured CV together with a brief motivational letter to and include in the message subject: “HU advertisement”
By sending your CV, you are providing your personal information to us and giving us permission to process it and store it in our company’s HR records until you revoke your consent. You also confirm that the personal information stated in your sent CV is truthful and accurate.
Other language combinations
If you translate or proofread other language combinations and would be interested in working with us, please fill in the questionnaire or send your structured CV with a short letter of motivation to the address
If we do not contact you within 7 days from your registration, please be informed that we do not have a demand for the services you offer at the moment.
By completing the questionnaire or sending a CV to Skřivánek s.r.o., you agree to the processing of your personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, supplements the existing Act No 110/2019 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data within Czech law. In other words, your personal data will be kept by our HR department for 2 years and will not be used for any other purposes than a job offer. Thank you!